Business in Ghana Will Customize Your Coffin
A coffin no longer has to have a basic rectangular shape.
The standard rectangular coffin no longer has to be the norm due to the focus of a business in Ghana, according to the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog in “The First Family of Custom Coffins.”
A family in Ghana is in the business of creating coffins in the shape of just about anything, so that people can be buried in something that represents their life. A YouTube video of their work is available at the blog’s website.
This is part of a larger trend concerning death and funerals. People are choosing to turn away from traditions in place of specific ways for the deceased to be remembered. The trend includes everything from humorous obituaries to lavish services and now, custom coffins.
Many families find that by customizing the funeral experience in unusual, nontraditional way, they get a better sense of closure and peace.
There is a potential downside to this trend, however.
The unusual arrangements are often made after the deceased has passed away. That leaves open the question of whether it is how the deceased would like to be remembered.
An estate planning attorney can guide you through the process of creating an estate plan to meet your unique circumstances.
Reference: Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog (Dec. 30, 2016) “The First Family of Custom Coffins.”