Estate Planning Needs Assessment

At the Brady Cobin Law Group, PLLC, we understand the importance of thoughtful and thorough estate planning. For more than 35 years, our dedicated Raleigh estate planning lawyers have helped people throughout North Carolina plan for their futures and for the futures of those they love.

Whether it’s putting together a will, arranging a power of attorney, setting up a trust, or crafting any other plan for your estate, we can help. We pride ourselves on providing compassionate and personalized advice that is tailored to our clients’ needs and goals. No matter what your circumstances are, we’ll help build a plan that works for you.

Estate Planning Needs Assessment

Needs Assestment
Are you married?
Does either spouse have children from a previous relationship?
Do you have children?
Are any of your children under the age of 18?
Are any of your beneficiaries under the age of 18?
Do any of your children have special needs – receive, or may receive in the future, public benefits such as SSDI, SSI or Medicaid?
Do any of your beneficiaries have special needs – receive, or may receive in the future, public benefits such as SSDI, SSI or Medicaid?
Are any of your children spendthrifts – are not good managers of money, due to disposition, substance abuse, or any other reason?
Are any of your beneficiaries spendthrifts – are not good managers of money, due to disposition, substance abuse, or any other reason?
Are any of your children likely to divorce?
Are any of your beneficiaries likely to divorce?
Are any of your children likely to be subject to a law suit?
Are any of your beneficiaries likely to be subject to a law suit?
Do you own a business?
Is your estate valued in excess of $5.4 million?

Contact us

Our North Carolina estate planning and elder law attorneys are committed to honoring the life, work and charity of every individual. Call us at (919) 782-3500 or complete the form below.

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