Probate Timeline

Women discussing probate proceedings in North Carolina

The probate process in North Carolina has numerous forms to complete and deadlines to meet. Even though a loved one’s will may be read after a funeral, the heirs do not receive any inheritance or gifts from their loved one until the estate is settled. That can be confusing and stressful to individuals who are trying to handle a loved one’s estate, deal with other family members and are unfamiliar with the probate process.

At Brady & Cobin, we’ve created a probate tool to help you understand some of the specific filing requirements and deadlines. If you are unfamiliar with the process, it’s a good idea to ask for assistance. A knowledgeable estate planning attorney can guide you through the probate process and avoid missteps and delays.

Calculate Probate Timeline Now

What is involved in the probate process in North Carolina?

To help you understand the probate process and the deadlines you must observe, we’ve created the probate timeline tool below. Start by entering your loved one’s date of death:

Probate Timeline

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